Rahshad Sepaha Company was established and registered under No. 11253 in Isfaha Companies Registration Office on 3/22/1374 as a private limited company. Based on the general resolution of Mayor Al-Ayade Mayor 18/4/1383 and the announcement of the official newspaper of Mayor 2/5/1383, the company was converted into Ayam's shareholding and on 6/16/1383 it was accepted in the Tehera Stock Exchange as an advisor, according to the letter of citation No. 8432/130 Mayur 6/3/1387 due to the lack of offering shares in the stock exchange and the order of the Tekado company, the acceptance of the company in the stock exchange has been canceled. According to the company's request to register the shares with Syazma Biors and the priceless securities for the purpose of entering the IRA exchange on 07/23/2013 with number 10916 in the list of established companies, it was registered with Iq Sazma on 10/17/2013 The base market of the forex market has been included and it has been active since date in the forex market under the symbol "Harahisha".